Business Model

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Greetings and welcome to my complete online guide to building a business model that sets your business up for success!

It’s a crucial step in building a business that works and generates solid, reliable income for you, but one that’s often not given enough attention!

In this journey together, we will dive deep into all of the things you need to consider, and the strategies and setups that work best to ensure you get results.

The purpose of this training is to help you set your business up with the right model to ensure you succeed and get the profits you deserve – without having to work every hour of the day.

Whether you’re just starting out, or have been running your business for a while now but not getting the results you need, this exercise will prove invaluable in reinforcing the fundamental principles for a stronger foundation.

I’ll give you all the information you need, guide you through the process online, ask the questions that will get to the root of what will work best for your business, and you can map out a clear plan in our online portal.

Taking action is the crucial step; ideas that swirl in your mind without being put on paper tend to remain just ideas. Throughout this training, you will gain crystal-clear clarity on your direction and take small, yet significant steps towards setting your business up for success.

As an experienced entrepreneur with over 15 years in the field, I understand the importance of having a structure to follow, the guidance of someone who has walked the path before you, and the power of shared experiences. As Richard Branson famously said, “Screw it, let’s do it!”

Now is the time to act – let’s get started!

With enthusiasm,

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Course Content

Your Business Model
In this lesson, we will focus on clarifying your business vision and goals, understanding the numbers and creating a business plan. Additionally, we will identify your ideal customers and develop a unique strategy to connect with them and differentiate yourself from the competition. This process forms the soul and blueprint for either starting or growing your business.

  • Body, Mind, Business & Soul
  • Vision, Purpose & Action
  • Your Unique Strengths
  • Your Sweet Spot
  • Profit Picture
  • Ideal Client
  • Survey
  • Premium Brand Position
  • Your Unique Personality
  • Signature Brand Stories
  • Assignments & Exercises

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