Testimonials from women in business

Interested to know if I’m the right fit to be your guide? Here’s what some of the amazing ladies, as guests on my nature retreat or my business clients, I have worked with had to say about their experiences, whether that’s from my one-to-one coaching sessions or business programs.

Learn what other women in business had to say

I believe in the power of transformation through our coaching sessions and business programs. Our mission is to empower mindful, ambitious, and independent women on their journey to success, both in their personal and professional lives. But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what some of the amazing women in business we’ve had the privilege to work with have to say about their experiences with my coaching sessions and business programs:


“It was a great experience working with Suzi as my Business Coach.

What I liked most was that she always has words of wisdom to motivate me when I feel down or down.

She helps me see that the situation is actually not as bad or negative as I think.

The key insights I’ve gained from working with Suzi as a Business Coach are the following: I’m climbing Mount Everest and I’m creating an EPIC vegetable garden, both of which require time, money, effort and perseverance.

As a result of this coaching experience, I act differently now. I no longer impulsively act on all sorts of new ideas. I remind myself that success takes small steps and it doesn’t happen overnight

I will also be kinder to myself and seek help when needed so that I don’t have to do everything alone.

Thank you for your guidance as a Business Coach.”


marion horse

“I recently took an online course on building a successful business.

She listened patiently and managed to steer me towards a much bigger subject in no time.

I immediately raced on and lost focus on this course and in all my enthusiasm was already thinking way too far ahead in the future.

Suzanne kept my feet on the ground and gave the tip to keep working step by step. She does that with so much calmness and confidence, she makes me feel like I can really deliver.

The telephone appointments keep me sharp, I keep going. Sometimes when I threaten to take on too much, she tells me to build and organize the course the way I want it to be.

She makes me feel like I’m not alone, there is always help to be found.

And I keep the conversations with Suzanne in mind, because they really helped me a lot.”



“I am absolutely thrilled with my coaching experience with Suzanne from Exploring with Suzi!

Our collaboration has really delivered visible results for my company.

More customers and I have been able to position myself as a specialist. Her guidance helped me to clearly define my goals and to take concrete steps to achieve them.

What I love most about working with Suzanne was her ability to listen and deeply understand my needs.

Her remote lifestyle immediately appealed to me! At Suzi, the focus is on mindful, ambitious and independent women and this motivated me to bring out the best in me.

This is how I overcame several challenges in 6 months. I am mega grateful for her expert guidance and the positive difference it has made in my now professional journey.

Thank you, Suzanne, for your inspiring guidance and support!”

Studio Thisja


“I am more than grateful for working with Suzi. She has been extremely helpful in her coaching sessions. Through her questions, she made me go back inside and reflect on my own resources.

She gave me tools and enlightening suggestions in order to reach my goals for my work as an entrepreneur.

She showed me for example how to turn my “weakness” into my “strength” using it as a powerful business tool, something I had not thought of myself.

She is very sympathetic and positive. I love her vibes. I highly recommend having coaching sessions with Suzi for any clarity you might need.”

Loli Wetzler


“Working with Suzi has been incredible. She has on some level given me my life back.

She skilfully opened blocked channels and doors within me that I thought maybe would be closed forever.

Her coaching sessions allowed me to move on gracefully and confidently starting with small steps that I needed and progressing to larger steps along the way.

Suzi will stay by your side as long as you need until you are able to set yourself free and fly solo with ease.

I highly recommend her program to anyone struggling to move forward in these unprecedented times.”



“Suzi is very perceptive and knowledgeable.

Our sessions gave me the push I needed before making a big decision in my life.

Going over the different scenarios with her, made me put things into perspective and helped me to overcome my fears.

Our time together was enjoyable and encouraging.

Through our sessions, Suzi helped me to identify my objectives and how to reach them.

It made me save a lot of time and probably some headaches too.”



“Working with Suzi was a relaxing experience where I felt accompanied at a moment in my life where I needed it most. Through our sessions, I obtained more self-confidence and she helped me to discover tools I actually already had within myself.

She is wise, powerful and loving… eager to help you if you need it. She knows how to listen with patience and affection and puts herself your position. Suzi is also a very fun person to be with, and she has a playful and intelligent sense of humor. She can help you to obtain clarity and to create a roadmap on how to get where you want.

As a person, I admire Suzi’s strength; she is a very beautiful charismatic woman from the inside as well as outside. She is a resilient and courageous; she is a self-made woman, with the ability to start from scratch when it needed. That is why she has a lot of practical and hands-on experience.

She also has a big heart, which is reflected in her love for nature and animals.”

Pascale Nerlich


“Spending time with Suzi is like a balm for your soul. You don’t have to pretend, just be yourself. With all of your baggage – your fears, your sorrow, your ideas and dreams.

I have known Suzi for quite some time and followed her adventures. I assume it’s what gives me confidence that I can trust her with my issues. As a coach, as a strong woman and a friend she is invaluable to me. 

Her home is so beautiful and peaceful that you can regain your energy and strength in no time.

As an animal lover, all the dogs and cats and horses are a huge plus. No judgment, just love.”



“My coaching sessions with Suzi were very pleasant. She is passionate and thinks along with your needs.

You notice she has hands-on experience as an entrepreneur, she is open-minded and gives you lots of tips and options to work with.

My major takeaways from our coaching sessions are:

– She gave me practical tools to work with and helped me discover my inner power
The brainstorming was very useful to streamline my ideas
She boosted my self-confidence

As a direct outcome of our sessions I have now been able to make a firm decision concerning my new future business venture, so that it is now fully aligned with my passion and inner power.”

Iris van Ree


“One of my biggest takeaways from working with Suzi is to think out of the box while being pragmatic.

I have thoroughly enjoyed our sessions together and gained other perspectives on various aspects of my life.

She showed me the possibilities how to move forward and encouraged me to take action in certain fields.

She taught me to set boundaries where needed and to overcome my fear of voicing certain emotions.”

Mieke Wyendale


“Suzi is very easy to talk to so I felt very relaxed in sharing my personal issues with her.

During the sessions that I had with her she asked a few, specific questions to help me reflect and evaluate things from a different angle which I found very helpful.

She gave both practical, easily implementable advice as well as emotional understanding and support.

I would definitely recommend working with her if you are looking for a fresh perspective on your life and have a desire for change but feel unsure as to where to start.



“For me personally, working with Suzi allowed me to have an objective view, not only on my relationship, but also on who was in the past and the person I am now.

The conversations were open and structured… Looking and searching for new roads, fresh opportunities and new beginnings.

She also shared lots of “Tips & Tricks”.

Our coaching sessions gave me a boost to handle challenging situations, by being able to point the finger at the issue and its pain, which allowed me to receive more insight into my own emotions.”



“This positive-minded, enthusiastic, patient and intellectual young lady with all-round knowledge has her heart in the right place.

I got to know Suzi when I was going through one of my most difficult periods of my life.

She was the only one who could sense / see that, even from a distance. In general I don’t easily let people in, but Suzi managed.

She sees, feels, listens actively (very important) and shows genuine interest in the person in front of her. I fully recommend her as a private coach….she is made for helping people.”



“So fortunate to work with Suzi to experience support and commitment that is second to non. She is a clear BS free communicator which I found refreshing and empowering.

She enveloped me with encouragement that was authentic and honest. Her kind but firm command enabled me to get over myself and on with my project and vision.

Without her I don’t think I would have made it through. There is a certain light around this beautiful woman which my heart trusted from the first glance.

Indeed whatever guide I received from Suzi as a mentor was just what I needed at the time.”



“My Nature Retreat with Suzi was fantastic.

I was looking for peace. The rest I needed to recover from years of setting the bar a bit high.

With Suzi, I could finally find that peace again.

In this peace and quiet, we finally managed to enjoy ourselves again. Of the beautiful place, the green oasis and the animals. Nice walk, yoga, a massage; it was all possible. It was so nice that I even extended the stay a bit.

The coaching conversations were an important part of this. As a Life Coach, Suzi asks the right questions and knows exactly the right things to work on.

Suzi’s coaching puts the focus back on regaining control, step by step.

I can wholeheartedly recommend the Nature Retreat and Life Coaching with Suzi to anyone who wants to relax, put things in order, and create a vision of the future.”


“I cannot describe how grateful and happy I am to have spent a week with you and your animals at your Nature Retreat. You have given me so many new insights in all areas of my life (business and private), I will take all of this with me.

And it is exactly as you describe: the experiences you gain during this week will stay with you for a long time when you are back in your own environment. I haven’t had a week where it’s all about me in a long time.

Decide for yourself what you do, when you do this, don’t take anything into account, only yourself. Completely relax in beautiful surroundings. Enjoy the little things and don’t experience pressure. This is incredibly precious and this has definitely impressed me.

Thanks for everything. I never wanted to miss this experience and I will definitely come back!


“I am more than grateful for working with Suzi.

She has been extremely helpful in her coaching. Through her questions, she made me go back inside and reflect up my own resources.

She gave me tools and enlightening suggestions in order to reach my goals for my work as an entrepreneur. She showed me for example how to turn my “weakness” into my “strength” using it as a powerful business tool, something I had not thought of myself.

She is very sympathetic and positive. I love her vibes.

I highly recommend having coaching sessions with Suzi for any clarity you might need.”


It is wonderful to be coached by Suzi.

In the first conversation she immediately detected why I was “procrastinating”.

She is a good listener and let me reach my own conclusions.

After a second session, I already felt re-energised and motivated to pick up where I had left off.

I am grateful for Suzi’s sincere interest in me as a person and her pragmatic help.”


“I really enjoyed working with Suzi as my Business Coach.

She is a very inspiring person, who really radiates positive energy and I immediately felt a connection.

She listens carefully to my questions/comments, understands exactly what I mean and gives good tips and advice.

I also really enjoyed setting up a follow-up plan with concrete steps after each coaching call.

The entire entrepreneurial world was completely new to me and I really liked that she really looked at me and guided me in this.

When I asked for advice, Suzi, as a coach, always gave clear and concrete answers that really helped me and allowed me to focus again.

She didn’t tell me to do something ‘so and so’ but she let me follow my own path and supported me along the way.

Thank you for all the great talks and advice. I now feel much more confident on my journey to my own business.”


Working with Suzi as my Business Coach was a great asset in my journey.

First of all, she is a very pure person, which is incredibly refreshing and invites me to be pure too.

She thought along without judgment and gave all the space to what should and should be.

As a Business Coach, she always thought pragmatically about how I could make/apply my business ideas operational today.

What I learned from coaching with Suzi is that entrepreneurship is mainly about continuing, and daring to let go of the frenetic control over how something forms or should form. And flow arises.

She has an eye for the human dimension, of course business tips and clarity, but also plenty of room for the unruliness of life.

Even though there was a huge physical distance between us, Suzi made it feel like we were in one room together.

Thank you is not enough!”


“Concrete outcomes of the collaboration with Suzi as Business and Life Coach:

I often found Suzi’s coaching very practical with tips and ideas. Very nice, because sometimes you keep going around in circles during a coaching process because you keep getting the question: “what do you think about it”, “how can you deal with this, do you think?” Haha, but I prefer that concrete approach.

In addition to the practical and concrete approach, her way of doing things is also nice: friendly, open, enthusiastic and inspiring (with anecdotes from her own life and practice).

And then Suzi confirmed that a different approach might suit me, and School of Slow, better.

What will I do differently in the future?

I’m really going to TRY to continue on my own course, to keep focus and confidence in what I’m doing now and in all the great spin-offs I’m planning with School of Slow.”


My promise to you

This training blends research, strategies, and real-life experiences to create a balanced and effective program. I offer a 100% money-back guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. Take the first step towards a transformative business and a fulfilling life by joining our program today.